Papers & Preprints
Last modified: Jul 20, 2020
・On the computation of all extensions of a p-adic field of characteristic p
(with S.Yokoyama)
Proceedings of the Meeting for Study of Number Theory, Hopf Algebras and related topics, (2019), 149--156
・A note on extensions of a p-adic field
(with S.Yokoyama)
Proceedings of the Meeting for Study of Number Theory, Hopf Algebras and related topics, (2019), 141--147
・Fontaine's property (Pm)
at the maximal ramification break (with T. Suzuki)
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Vol. 20 (2013), 1--13
A refinement of the local class field theory of Serre and Hazewinkel (with T. Suzuki)
Algebraic number theory and related topics 2010, 163--191,
RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu,
B32, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2012
・An ultrametric space of
Eisenstein polynomials and ramification theory
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 140 (2012), no. 12, 4141-4151
・High-speed calculation for
isomorphy of extension of a p-adic field with Magma (Japanese article)
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 22 (2012), no. 4, 277--286
・Ramification of local fields and Fontaine's property (Pm)
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Vol. 17 (2010), no. 3, 247--265
・Ramification of local fields and Fontaine's property (Pm); a resume
Algebraic number theory and related topics 2009, 255--258,
RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B25, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2011
Kodai-ji @ Kyoto (2011)
・Ramification of local fields and Fontaine's property (Pm)
1. RIMS Seminar in a traning camp ``Ramification Theory in Arithemetic Geometry'' @ Fruit flower park, Kobe 2009.1.12
2. `` The 120th Mathematical Society of Japan Kyushu part'' @ Fukuoka Univ. 2009.1.3.31
3. ``The Mathematcal Society of Japan 2009'' @ Tokyo Univ. 2009.3.26--3.29
4. ``Industrious Number Theory'' @ KIAS, Korea 2009.3.11--3.13
5. ``The 8th Hiroshima Number Theory Conference'' @ Hiroshima Univ. 2009.7.21--7.24
6. ``Journées de Géométrie Arithmétique'' @ IRMR, France (poster session) 2009.7.6--7.10
7. ``Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics'' @ Tokyo Univ. 2009.12.7--12.11
・A refinement of Krasner's lemma and ramification theory
1. `` 2010 Korea-Japn Number Theory Seminar'' @ Seoul Ntional Univ. 2010.1.20--1.23
2. ``The 122th Mathematical Society of Japan Kyushu part'' @ Kyushu Univ. Nishijin plaza 2010.2.13
3. ``Kyushu Algebraic Number Theory 2010'' @ Kyushu Univ. 2010.3.18--20
・An ultrametric space of Eisenstein polynomials and ramification theory
1. ``The 9th Sendai-Hiroshima Number Theory Seminar'' @ Tohoku Univ. 2010.7.20--7.23
2. ``Kagawa Seminar'' @ Kagawa Univ. 2010.9.4
・Fontaine's property (Pm) at the maximal ramification break
1. ``Industrious Number Theory 3'' @ KIAS, Korea 2010.11.10--11.13
2. ``Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics'' @ RIMS 2010.12.6--12.10
・A refinement of the local class field theory of Serre and Hazewinkel
1. ``Kyushu Algebraic Number Theory 2011'' @ Kyushu Univ. 2011.2.17--2.19
2. ``MSJ Autumn Meeting 2012'' @ Kyushu Univ. 2012.9.18--9.21
・Constructing abelian extensions of a p-adic field
1. ``Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2011 "TSUNAMI - Mathematical Modelling" '' @ Univ. of Hawai'i, Hawaii(poster session) 2011.10.24--10.28
・High-speed calculation for isomorphy of extension of a p-adic field with Magma
1. ``MSJ Spring Meeting 2012'' @ Tokyo Univ. Sci. 2012.3.26--3.29
View from Château d'If @ Marseille (2012)
E-mail: manabuyoshida3(at)