Database of Local Fields of positive characteristic

The table presents all isomorphism classes of degree 2 extensions of F5((t)).

The data includes Defining polynomial, ramification index e, inertia degree f, valuation of discriminant c, Galois group G, Inertia Group I, Galois Slope Content.

 Defining Polynomial   e   f   c   Galois Group   #G   #I   Galois Slope Content 
x^2 + 4*x + 2 1 2 0 C2 (2T1) 2 1 [ ] 1 2
x^2 + 2*t 2 1 1 C2 (2T1) 2 2 [ ] 2 1
x^2 + t 2 1 1 C2 (2T1) 2 2 [ ] 2 1
inserted by FC2 system